Why You Quit??

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Having read again my written at April 26, 2009 about my next plan, I must admit, everything is not always going as my previous plan.

I know, its just a bit difference between flexible and inconsistent. I don't wanna be someone inconsistent. Its not also about being opportunistic. It just like suddenly without any previous plan, you got a chance to put yourself into some challenging and interesting situation.

For sure, I'd like to be at the company. Ericsson Indonesia is a great place to work, get valuable experience, getting know best people with great characteristic and charisma. Get friendship with many good people there, experience time together, knowing each other, laugh, and having pressure together is kinda become something like a bond.

So why you quit?? That's a simple question asking by my senior there. I consider him as one of my mentor there.
It's complicated to answer. Its a combination of some side of me which looking for freedom -not only at weekend, but also at weekdays-, and some side of me which looking for a chance to be someone more considerable, with more responsibility, and some side of me which looking for more money. And that combination is all putting there.

For now, its a chance to be a leader, develop something from beginning, coordinating people with different experience and behavior, and still have to keep up with the technology.

All the technical and nontechnical put together there. It just a temporary project, so we push to deliver it as best as we can, so we will be able to continue it in near future, hopefully expand the coverage of service. It's temporary, so I think I can still get a chance to enjoy the result, taking relax for a couple of weeks when it's finished and being ready for next interesting project.

It's challenging coz there is no guarantee to always be involved in projects, and hold the status of employee. It's OK for me, coz in private company, there is no long life job, instead we have to always show that we are long life capable for the jobs.

The money somehow is good. It's true that with high risk, there is chance for more gain.

When you see Cashflow Quadrant from Robert Kiyosaki, I categorise myself now at Quadrant Self-Employeed. I must admit this is so far my best quadrant handled. I still wants to be well and best qualified also for the other quadrant, Business Owner and Investor. I still learn, Alhamdulillah it still running.

So I'm pretty sure (and I have and must to) that this is the best decision I could have taken. There is no way back, a path, new road already there in front of me. My book of life still continue, my old chapter already closed. Hopefully there is a happy ending waiting.

But, I must admit.....I miss all my friends there...:(

Showreel Rumah Video

Testimonial tentang Audio Visual

Abu Sangkan – Trainer “Shalat Khusyu”
“Peran media audio visual sangat efektif dalam penyampaian da’wah-da’wah saya.”

Adha Muawiyah – Line Producer “Sinemart”
“ Video Company Profile sangat efektif dan efisien untuk memperkenalkan citra perusahaan kita lebih cepat. Klien maupun investor dapat lebih jelas mengetahui apa yang dia inginkan atau tuju pada perusahaan kita.”

Wuryanano – CEO PT Swastika Prima International, Direktur Lembaga Pendidikan Profesi SWASTIKA PRIMA Community College, Founder Super Mind Power Training, Penulis Buku Best Seller
“Dengan memiliki perangkat bisnis pada media Audio Visual ini, maka akan semakin meningkatkan performa bisnis dan perusahaan kita. Produk dan jasa kita pasti semakin bagus dalam pelayanan dan kualitasnya.”

Hidayatullah – Direktur PT Selaras Inti Prima Indonesia
“Media audio visual yang sangat efektif dalam membantu kinerja marketing kami, serta menjadi added value tersendiri untuk perusahaan kami.”

Note :
Alhamdulillah, materi untuk casing CD Showreel Rumah Video sudah selesai. CD ini sendiri berisikan portofolio produk-produk yang pernah kami hasilkan, mulai dari Video dokumentasi, Video profile, CD interaktif, Website, Clip&Commercial, Video Promo.Semoga bisa menjadi salah satu wahana untuk beramal lebih bagi kami. Terima kasih sebesar-besarnya kami haturkan untuk semua pihak yang dengan sukarela telah memberikan testimonialnya. Hanya Allah jualah yang bisa membalas-Nya.